Thursday, December 25, 2008

Vision vs. Imagination

"Where there is no vision, the people perish...." Proverbs 29:18

There is a delicate line drawn between Vision and Imagination. It is a line easily smudged and altered; a fraction of a space between what the human heart wants to see and what true Wisdom sees.

There are times we look into a situation, times we peer into another person, and Hope is stirred when it foresees a better outcome, or perceives good inside a darkened circumstance. It's like observing someone behind one-way glass: the person caught behind the glass only sees his reflection thrown back at him and becomes discouraged that all there may be is him and that room and that mirror on the wall. But the person outside the glass knows that it is window, not a mirror, that shows the one inside is surrounded by more than himself; there is a world right there, and yet the one left inside has lack of vision, thus lack of strength, for lack of seeing the (true) big picture.

There are times when God reveals His Vision to see what others may not see; He shows Himself, and shows good, to spur us on to right actions and to encourage those still left behind their one-way glass. There is more, right there! Not less than an inch away from your face: you are part of something bigger, but you can't see past yourself.

And the people who see, and speak what they see beyond what is seen, are called the Visionaries: they perceive, and they speak what they perceive, in hopes to bring a disparaging people along, to lift their heads, and catch the vision for themselves; to be spurred on to good deeds; to "not become weary in doing good, for in the end you will reap a harvest if you do not give up".

Such vision is true and good and honourable. But what if sometimes we are seeing what we want to see? This is where the line is drawn, and it is so carefully held yet so easily crossed. Perhaps sometimes imagination takes the place of vision; perhaps there are instances when our hearts, bent on visions of what is true, good, and honourable, bend so far to peer into a situation that the visionary becomes the creator of a fantasy? If we are honest with ourselves, we may see that we are so impassioned to see good that we naively ignore wrong in pursuit of seeing Hope.

And yes, there is always Hope. No one can blot out the tender lines of Hopefulness that can pull anyone out of the most dire need and press them in the race as though to win, and to run as though it is already won. But visionaries, like myself, also live inside the imaginary. The eye is sharp to see what is not easily seen; to see one glint of light and run with it as it becomes the whole horizon. But discretion is desperately needed to define what is the Spirit of God implanting vision and what is the eager fabrication of a mind so desiring to see Good.

How do we weigh what is vision and what is imagination? A key lies in an aspect no one cares to delve into so deeply: it is what is called 'searching one's heart', or in different terms, disecting one's reasons behind intent. What is the outcome of seeing this 'vision'? Is there any personal motive, even a good one? Will we get anything out of this 'vision' being fulfilled? Or are we pushed to encourage for the sake of seeing God's heart fulfilled; to see another person enlivened; to selflessly back it with a steadfast heart that pursues the vision with a constance and passion that works in a pattern of Righteousness, not a self-derived want of seeing Rightness?

There is nothing wrong with seeing past the glass; seeing someone as more than they see themselves; seeing a circumstance in context of the greater situation; but let there not be confusion between what is man-derived and what is God-given. Though the line is a fine one, there is an enormous space of difference between Discerning Knowledge and Ignorance. Even the most well-meaning heart, working out of love in its entirety, can obvert the circumstance & still peer through the glass darkly.

There is such great Vision to pursue! Let us pray that our own goodness & kindness inside visionary creativity does not become naivety, but that the skill & Wisdom learned inside being visionary presses us to see through God's eyes, cleaning the glass to strongly define Imagination versus Perspicacity.

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